Convoy Air Support
The Catalina was a twin-engine amphibious aircraft with a cantilevered wing mounted on a central pylon.
Convoy Air Support
The Catalina was a twin-engine amphibious aircraft with a cantilevered wing mounted on a central pylon.
Convoy Air Support
A unique feature of the plane was the wing-tip floats, which were mounted on pivoted frames and when retracted in flight formed the wingtips. The aircraft could be equipped with depth charges, bombs, torpedoes and .50 caliber machine guns which made it one of the most widely used multi-role aircraft of the Second World War. It was also one of the first aircraft to carry radar.
This painting depicts an air gunner sitting in one of the side blisters of a Catalina patrol plane on a cold, lonely sweep over a convoy route in the North Atlantic. Although these airmen did draw fire from time to time, many of their patrols during the war were spent in lonely isolation. P. Cowley-Brown