The Military Museums

25lb Gun

The 25 pounder was the basic field gun of the Canadian Army during the Second World War, and was considered to be the best artillery piece of its time.

25lb Gun

The 25 pounder was the basic field gun of the Canadian Army during the Second World War, and was considered to be the best artillery piece of its time.

25lb Gun

It combined the flat trajectory of a field gun with the high angle fire of a howitzer, something very few guns had managed to combine successfully at that time. The gun could be set up in less than a minute, and from its steady and easily worked mount, fired in almost any direction.

It was capable of firing 25 pound HE (High Explosive) projectiles a distance of 12 kms, at a rate of four rounds per minute. The barrels frequently glowed red in support of appreciative Canadian infantry. The 25 pounder served the Canadian Army until 1967, when it was retired from service, although it was used as a training gun until 1975, a testament to the quality of this hardworking artillery piece.

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