The Military Museums

Sergeant Robert Short

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Sergeant Robert Short

Sergeant Robert Alan Short was born 15 October, 1961 in Fredericton, New Brunswick to proud parents Murray and Annice Short. On 27 February, 1990, Sgt Short enrolled in the Canadian Forces and began what would turn out to be a very distinguished and honourable career. He completed his recruit training at CF Recruit School in Cornwallis, Nova Scotia in May 1990 and then proceeded to The Royal Canadian Regiment Battle School in Petawawa, Ontario.

After battle school, he was posted to 2nd Battalion The Royal Canadian Regiment. From August 1991 to March 1992 he served with the UN Peacekeeping force in Nicosia, Cyprus. From November, 1992 to May 1993 he was part of the Canadian Infantry Battle Group in Kiseljak, Yugoslavia. During that time, he was promoted to the rank of Corporal, 10 Mar 1993.

In January 1996, Sgt Short was deployed again with the NATO-led Implementation Force (IFOR) to Coralici, Bosnia. Upon his return in July, 1996 he was posted to 3rd Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment in Petawawa. While he was in Coralici, he was also promoted to the rank of Master Corporal in April 1996.

The period between 1996 and 2001 gave Sgt Short time to take numerous courses and receive national qualifications in a variety of areas. He was top candidate for two prestigious courses, the Sniper Detachment Commander Course and Advanced Assault Pioneer Course.

In addition he received qualifications for Small Arms Instruction, Winter Warfare, Reconnaissance Patrolman, Basic Assault Pioneer, Basic Parachuting, Drop Zone Controller, Basic Sniping, Basic Machine Gunner and Eryx Gunner. In December, 2000 he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant. That year, Sgt Short also received recognition as the Top Infantry Master Corporal in the 3rd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment.

Sgt Short returned to Coralici, Bosnia in March, 2001 for another tour of duty with the Infantry Battle Group until he returned in September, 2001. After 9/11 and the ensuing change of priorities, Sgt Short was deployed to Kabul, Afghanistan in August 2003.

Sgt Short was incredibly athletic and competed in the Ironman Competitions in 1999 and 2000. He ran the Prague International Marathon in 2001 and The Running Room National Capital Marathons in 1999 and 2000. He was also honoured to do the Nijmegan March in 1998.

An avid Toronto Maple Leafs fan, devoted and unselfish husband and father, genuine friend to all he came in contact with, and Canadian hero, Sgt Robert Alan Short will truly be missed by all.

Sgt Short is survived by his sister and brother, Elizabeth and Mitchell Short. He is also survived by his wife, Susan Dawn Fullarton and his three children: sons Jacob Murray Short, Joshua Robert Short and daughter Charissa Dawn Short.

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