The Military Museums

Corporal Shane Keating

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Corporal Shane Keating

Corporal Shane Keating hailed from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and joined the Canadian Forces in the spring of 1997. He arrived at 2 PPCLI in Winnipeg in the fall of 1997 and immediately made an impression upon his peers with his maturity and dedication.

His time in the Second Battalion saw him deploy to Bosnia in 2000 and 2003. In 2 PPCLI, he performed the duties of rifleman, section second-in-command and NCO Canteen. Cpl Keating moved with the Second Battalion from Winnipeg in 2004 and rejoined A Company in the fall of 2005 in preparation for deployment to Afghanistan in August 2006.

He was highly thought of across the Battalion, was a noted leader amongst his peers and a prominent member of the local community. He was a dedicated volunteer and organizer with the Manitoba Special Olympics programme. Shane Keating was 30 years old and is survived by his mother Judith, brother Ken, and sisters Meghan and Erin.

Family statement

"We won't all come home, mom, but
the ones who don't made a difference.
And it's worth it."

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