Sergeant Jason Boyes
Sergeant Jason Boyes
Sergeant Jason Boyes served with Bravo Company, 2 PPCLI Battle Group on his final tour to Afghanistan. Sgt Boyes was an experienced NCO, having served two previous tours to Kandahar in 2002 and 2006. Well known for his intelligence and an outstanding level of physical fitness, he deployed in 2008 as a Section Commander in a rifle platoon.
He took on this task with intense enthusiasm and a drive for excellence. He had very high expectations of all those around him and his soldiers acknowledge that he was a tough boss to work for. They also state without hesitation that they would not have wanted to work for anyone else.
Shortly after arriving in theatre in February 2008, Sgt Boyes and his section were assigned to an isolated outpost in Panjwayi district with Afghan Police and a small Canadian mentor team. Sgt Boyes took on this task with energy and aggression. He demanded excellence from his soldiers and would constantly push them to perfect what they were doing, whether it was dismounted patrols, weapons drills, PT or cooking up a batch of chocolate chip pancakes over a Coleman stove.
Sgt Boyes would tell his soldiers, “The Infantry sets the high standard, everyone else will follow”. This is exactly what happened. The Afghan police began to join in on Section PT and training on the mortars soon required a Pashto translator. Sgt Boyes did not care if a soldier was Regular or Reserve, Canadian or Afghan. The only thing that mattered was his standard. If a person was ready to learn, he was ready to teach.
Sgt Boyes was killed in action after triggering an Improvised Explosive Device while conducting a dismounted night patrol in Panjwayi. His manner of death reflected who he was as a leader. He was leading from the front, aggressively operating in a hostile environment while also looking out for the safety and welfare of his soldiers.
The Regiment lost an outstanding soldier on 16 March 2008. His legacy will live on with fellow Patricias who served with him and took on the challenge to meet the 'Sgt Boyes Standard'.