Lt. Prasow
Sol J. Prasow enlisted in the Canadian Army on June 8, 1942.
Lt. Prasow
Sol J. Prasow enlisted in the Canadian Army on June 8, 1942.
Lt. Prasow
Sol was promoted to artillery officer with the rank of Lieutenant, on May 15, 1943. He went overseas on the "Queen Mary" in August 1943. Being an officer was an advantage on the voyage as about 4-6 officers shared a stateroom, while the other soldiers slept wherever they could find room.
After more training in England, he landed in Normandy a couple weeks after D-Day, 1944. He served in France for the summer, and was involved in the liberation of Caen and the Falaise Gap.
The soldiers were always hungry. One day during a lull in the fighting, Sol and another officer went hunting for wild turkeys to supplement their diet. After shooting at a bird, 7 German soldiers, who had been hiding in a gulley, came out with their hands up to surrender, thinking they had been discovered.
Sol was just as surprised, but as senior officer, he marched his prisoners back to headquarters. Sol kept a German luger as a souvenir.
Sol served in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. In March 1945, he was transferred from Germany to Belgium where he remained stationed until the end of the War. After the War ended on May 8, 1945, Sol was part of a group processing men to go home. As a result, he was one of the last the leave.
Sol arrived home at the end of November, 1945. He brought back with him a bottle of champagne from France which his medical friends had encased in plaster for the trip home, which he shared with his family.
Foreward to Sols's Letters
by Clare Prasow
Sol went overseas in August, 1943. They left from Halifax and sailed on the "Queen Mary", making the crossing in less than 5 days. They were not in a convoy as other ships did not have the speed of the "Queen Mary". This was told to me when the war was over because during the war all mail was censored for such information as the "Queen Mary" being on the Atlantic. It was crowded rail to rail with servicemen. Being an officer was an advantage as officers shared staterooms, 4 to 6 in a room. The regulars slept wherever there was floor space.
In England the troops were welcomed with open arms and Sol's letters revealed that the training received there was a continuation and upgrading of the training in Canada. Leaves were readily available, the billets were comfortable, the training intense, but lots of time for sightseeing.
He wrote they all got used to the German bombers and although frightening, they rarely used the shelters when they were on leave in London, Scotland or Wales.
Sol used to send me little gifts and I used to send him candy and cigarettes - the latter was used often·instead of money. I wanted to send him more chocolates and cigarettes, but didn't want him to feel I was getting more serious, so I didn't. His family kept him in ample supply of whatever he needed.
But he kept sending me his little gifts. In March 1944, he said that I should look for a letter with a monetary gift which prompted me to write that he should not do this. In a letter from him dated April 26, 1944, he writes:
"Received your letter of April 18 today and am very happy to hear you are well and that you had a pleasant visit with·your family. Everything here is excellent, the weather is beautiful, the food good, cigarettes etc. coming through, good and in addition I won about $5 tonight playing bridge... "
In your letter Clare, you reprimanded me for my boldness in sending you a monetary gift (have you received it yet?), well my chère, remember although at present I am only a very good friend, someday (and I hope not too long away), I look forward to maybe being your loving husband and therefore I have taken liberties which I shouldn't take... I'm sorry if I offended, and promise not to do it again for awhile anyway. Sometimes I am very sorry that things weren't a little closer between us before I left...
My position is such that I can't even send a very small cheque without embarrassing you. No offence Clare dear..."
And then he adds at the end of the letter, "did you receive the tweed cloth from Scotland yet?..."
Always yours,
His letters all seemed so sincere, he always asked what I was doing and always responded to my answers. He always asked about Mother and the family, and always sent regards.
For months before D-Day, we all knew there was a plan to invade Europe but of course did not know when, how or where. Sol couldn't say - they didn't know either - but his letters were beginning to emphasize more training and manoeuvres.
In a letter dated May 30, 1944 he wrote:
"... I'll be moving very shortly to a new address. It will be a regimental permanent posting... If it wouldn't be disobeying security regulations, I believe I could give you quite a bit of news and interesting incidents but we are not permitted to mention these. I'll take your advice and try to look after yours truly... remember to reciprocate".
Sol's Letters
June 3, 1944
"My dear Clare - I am well and quite happy but if I haven't written for a few days it was because I was very busy getting moved. And I had to pack and store everything I can't take into action...
If you have ever heard the expression so and so's 'in the field' you'll know that they are with a unit, (regiment or battery). My new posting is 28th Battery, 5th Cdn. Field Regiment. We are excited about where we are. There are drawbacks of course, such as tents in place of billets, no more leaves, outdoor backhouses and other such discomforts, but the advantages far outnumber the disadvantages..."
July 8, 1944 - Somewhere in France
"Dearest Clare: After an eventful journey I have entered a·new phase of my Army career. I was amazed at the wonderful sights - the number of ships and aircraft we had with us - it gives us great hope that this bloody massacre may be over soon. Please do not think me dramatic but I'm hoping for a speedy victory because I am anxious to return to Canada to my family and to you, my dear.
The radio just finished playing "You'll never know how much I miss you", and there's a hollow feeling in MY heart for you. You may not know it my sweet, but you are with me all the time - I carry your picture with me as a constant reminder of what I'm fighting for..."
July 11, 1944
"Your much appreciated letter of June 28 came in today and I dropped what I was doing in order to read the message written therein (poetic eh?) When I completed reading it through twice I went about with a song on my lips, despite the fact that a few hours previous I had been in charge of a burial party - we buried 5 Germans and 2 Canadians. It was gruesome but it was better than seeing them lying about crushed and burned...
I often thank Fate that you are quite safe from bombing and shelling and from seeing these French civilians undernourished and with pain and suffering written all over their faces. It makes us feel pity for them but also makes us realize how fortunate we are that those we love and are trying to protect are safe from this bloody hell...
A ditty says 'gather rosebuds while ye may' reminds me that I picked some flowers the other day which were very beautiful.. and had a scent like a rose - how sad that I cannot send them to you. Darling, whether I'm in France, India or God knows where, as long as I live you are the one girl for me. Okay!
Have a happy vacation - with any luck I may be able to share your holidays next year. Before we know it, time moves quickly, and it will be 1945 and possibly the end to this European war. Hope we don't have to remain in the Army to fight the sons of Nippon. My fondest regards to your family. Best wishes,"
All my love,
July 14, 1944 - somewhere in France
"Our climate here is similar to that in Canada, much drier than England and a warm sun. What a shame that people have to die every minute... Here is a note of encouragement, my sweet, we have very definite air and sea superiority... Incidentally, one of our lads captured a German prisoner the other day and he couldn't have been more than 17 (he hadn't started to shave) and all his arrogance and super race business left him and he was whining in German "don't shoot".
Evidently they have all been informed that they would be shot if taken prisoner... Our anti-aircraft put on a good show the other day and shot down 4 enemy reconnaissance planes as well as hitting four more out of a total of 12 altogether. Pretty good for artillery, eh!"
August 2, 1944
"I have been transferred from the 5th Field Regiment to the 6th Field Regiment. This is a permanent job. The 21st Battery originally from Saskatoon is now composed mainly of personnel from Winnipeg and Calgary so I am among Westerners again.
If it weren't for the fact that daily we have casualties, some killed, some badly maimed, and also for the fact that I am too far away from you and my family - if it weren't for those facts I think a few years in the Army would be quite an education for me.
Saw a smart sign on the road the other day - it says Winnipeg via Berlin with the arrow pointing in the general direction of our advance.
Some of our lads went exploring and came back with 50 bottles of Cognac, Champagne, Bourbon, Vin Blanc, Vin Rouge, etc... We took control and doled it out and every one was agreeable because they all knew that many lives hang in the balance if the boys were to get drunk"
August 6, 1944
"Am still getting along and doing the best I can. Despite a number of hardships and unpleasatries the boys are all very cheerful and are adopting the proper attitude. So I guess I'm just as capable of taking it as anyone. But the day can't come too soon for me to see you again.
Lately, dear, I've been very busy digging. After all, we're digging for our own safety. I'm taking pictures but I'm not photographing anything gruesome - I don't want to remember those scenes..."
August 9, 1944
"Our big advance having begun, we have great aspirations as to where it will take us and as we progress it takes us nearer victory, and victory takes me nearer to Canada, and Canada takes me to Winnipeg, and, shall I go on or may I allude to your excellent deductive powers.
After watching a thousand bombers go over, and about 3,000 tanks and armour on the ground - our own and as far as the eye can see on four or five roads, well, I'm not a genius but such a mass of potential power cannot be ignored and everything appears very bright and promising now."
"We had an unusual and embarrassing incident happen yesterday - after a heavy attack on an enemy town by our bombers, a few hundred Fortresses with fighter aircraft covering them - well, - while they were returning home a couple of bombers who were on fire had to drop their bombload behind our lines and a few of our own troops and transport were badly shot up.
It's very embarrassing to be bombed by our own aircraft even though it couldn't be helped. A terrible error and sad to talk about.
I saw over a thousand prisoners marched back yesterday..."
August 17, 1944
"Recently we've been very much on the go, keeping pace with our Infantry and as we were advancing regularly,and we had to dig our own trenches in each position we didn't have much time to write letters. Right now· we are in a good location, near Falaise where our artillery fire can be joined with American fire and we can destroy or cause to surrender a large number of German vehicles and men.
Once in awhile, our infamous opponent fires back at us (he shouldn't ought to do that as someone might get hurt) - but he does and killed a cow and some chickens. So we will eat well for the next while... We are in good health and our morale is tops."
August 26, 1944
"Am well and sincerely hope that you are enjoying life to the utmost. 'Tis funny, Clare, that I was once a confirmed atheist and now find myself saying a prayer every now and then and find some consolation in these prayers. Could it be that you have given me cause to pray for a safe return. Could be!
We are still digging - digging for victory, we call it. Clare, there is one thing uppermost in everyone's mind right now and that is an end to the war - if we have to go to Japan, I think I'll go berserk...
We've been moving very quickly lately and we sure see a lot of country, some of it very pretty like the Lake of the Woods, or Waterton Lakes...
Along the road we see a terrible amount of wreckage - mostly German vehicles which our airforce has knocked out - in fact when we went through Falaise some of the wreckage was still smouldering ruins. I believe I told you about my experience with another officer when we captured 7 German soldiers - they were bewildered and beaten and probably would have surrendered to anyone but we were the captors and I benefited to the tune of a German pistol which in my opinion is inferior to our own service revolver but is still a fine souvenir.
All work and no play makes men out of boys in short order and really takes the waist out of the waistline. Myself, I've lost roughly 20 pounds since coming to France (6 1/2 weeks)."
"I now understand where Shakespeare got the expression lean and hungry look!...
We scrounge for extra food which we pay French money to the farmers. I was successful in purchasing eggs, milk, butter and cheese, not in large quantity but enough for a few meals. While progressing along the road the French wave to us and give us a "V" sign or a thumbs-up.
A sight that it not uncommon also is French girls who catered to the Germans, sitting by the road getting all their hair cut off by irate Frenchmen. It is a novel punishment but very embarrassing, I'm sure.
I had a slight attack of diarrhoea the other day and I doubt if anyone in the Canadian army has been successful in eluding this torture. The M.O. puts it down as gastroenteritis but it's quite bad no matter what it is called.
All along the liberated towns we see the tricolor of France flying and the happy faces of the children, so evidently someone is benefiting directly from our efforts.
Well, my dear, we are preparing to advance once more - hope it will be home via Berlin and soon. Keep well and please write as often as you can as I love getting mail from you..."
Always yours,
September 3, 1944
"We passed through Rouen, a large city and people (thousands of them) lined the streets cheering "Vive la France" "Vive la Canada". It really was a spectacle worth remembering.
We had a grand parade in Dieppe today in which we commemorated the bravery of the 2nd Division attack on Dieppe two years ago..."
September 10, 1944
"We are in Belgium and have been here a few days now but this is my first chance to write. The country is very flat and water is seen nearly everywhere. The Germans tried to flood the country and were nearly successful in their mad endeavour.
I hope you had a good birthday - did my flowers arrive in time - I sure hope they did."
September 23, 1944
"When I get letters from you I am very happy to know that I have someone pulling for me. It means a lot especially when the shells are flying overhead and the odd mortar lands near our position. "
October 9, 1944
"I'll give you a short summary of what I've seen and gone through since landing on the beaches in Normandy. At Caen, before we captured the city, we were enclosed in a small area, with hundreds of thousands of troops so that when the Germans plastered us they were bound to injure someone.
Well, the advance came and we broke through and were continually shelled all the way to Falaise where we turned the tables on them and caught them in the Falaise pocket where the American, British, Canadian and Poles completely surrounded about 100,000 Germans and our artillery had a field day blasting away at the Huns.
Following this successful undertaking, we had a comparatively easy time of it crossing the redoubtable Seine River and we finally wound up at Dieppe where we had a few days rest and a parade. From there we had a long drive to Belgium where we fired at Germans near Dunkirk.
"From Dunkirk we came around Antwerp and I had some time in Antwerp due to a Jewish holiday. From Antwerp until now we are rolling our way into Holland and any day now we expect to trade Belgium francs for Gilders, Dutch money. A Belgium franc is worth about 2 1/2 cents and a Gilders is worth about 43 cents... All my love to you and God keep you well."
October 28, 1944 - Holland
"Everything is progressing according to plan and fortunately I am in good health despite rain, mud, cold and what have you.
Keep writing to the address you have, although for a spell (and I don't know for how long), I am now attached to Division Headquarters as a Liaison Officer. I find the new atmosphere more to my liking since we are indoors most of the time. However, my duties and responsibilities are far greater and I am kept pretty much on the go. But I managed to get into Antwerp more frequently on business and I am naturally able to spend a little time there on my own.
For example, I slept in the Excelsior Hotel in Antwerp between lovely white sheets and had a nice hot bath - you can imagine how much I needed it, and how much I appreciate such luxuries as ice cream and fresh fruit.
I am going to try and get some perfume for you in Antwerp... I am not making much progress with the Dutch language."
October 31, 1944 - Holland
"As I write this we are on the move again. The Germans are not fighting as desperately now as they did a few months ago. But even though we don't seem to be getting very far I shouldn't complain since I'm seeing new country all the time and in comparative safety.
Another of those incidents of our own planes mistaking their target and shooting up our own convoys took place yesterday about dusk when a Mosquito bomber attacked our convoy and 2 men were killed and 9 wounded, as well as 8 vehicles being destroyed. There'll be some dismissals over that but won't help the men who were shot up.
"The Germans are leaving a lot of minefields and we have to be very careful when we occupy a new position since a Major (a swell guy too) ran over a mine with his jeep and he is now "caput", poor fellow. The mine contained TNT and other deadly explosives. The word "caput" is very common over here.
Customs over here are far different from Canada and some things really amaze us, e.g. outdoor urinals used by men even while conversing with ladies... I'm glad we're old fashioned though and still honour our ladies with more respect..."
November 10, 1944 - Holland
"Just got back into action again. The rest period lasted 4 days. Every night we were in Antwerp or Brussels, and naturally I had to indulge in a few drinks with some of the boys... Although I never permit myself to get drunk. (To tell the truth darling it's not a habit and I could do without liquor without any trouble).
We went slummin' which is easy to do as Antwerp has thousands of cafes and the cafes sell drinks and many girls of questionable character frequent these places - Well, I went slummin' but sobered up pretty fast when I saw what was going on - it's little wonder so many soldiers contact disease - it's very disgusting, and I'm thankful that I still had control of my senses. Clare, dearest, with a girl like you at home, I assure you that I'll not do anything regrettable, so please trust me..."
November 24, 1944 - Holland
"The worst task now is to·put up with the terrible weather - rain, rain, with mud up past our ankles now, it can make us very uncomfortable.
The last three days I have been attached to the American Army AirForce as a Liaison Officer. They were shelled recently and called for an Artillery Officer and here I am. Fortunately, the Jerries didn't shell us since my arrival and I've had a wonderful time with the Yanks.
I even had a trip in one of their big Douglas Aircraft, besides eating very well...
Hope you have a good time during Chanukah and New Years - I regret that I can't share these events with you, but maybe 1945-46 my fortunes will be better".
November 29, 1944
"The rivers here have all overflown their banks due to week of rain and our supplies are therefore delayed. This might explain why we haven't finished Jerry off by now!".
December 6, 1944
"An unfortunate accident took place last night which nearly cost me my life but it didn't so I live to tell the tale. We are in a stationary position now (how long no one knows) but we sort of built ourselves some "homes" underground, with wooden walls and beams on the ceiling - well, the story goes that the back of my dugout was not boarded down as the sand was believed to be very tight.
Well, around 5 a.m. sand caved in (heavy rain outside) and my head was completely submerged beneath the sand - lucky for me I woke up and proceeded to fight my way to fresh air again. While under the sand and before I woke up I had a dream that some powerful force was holding my head down by a heavy object, and when I reached fresh air again it made me very happy to be alive".
December 14, 1944
"I'm quite fit, but frequently get spells of lonesomeness and homesickness - it can't be too long before we get leave, then maybe I'll snap out of it. Starting January 1 the Army is giving 9-day leaves to England for those who have been in action for 6 months, on January 7th, I become eligible".
December 29, 1944 - Holland
"The radio is now playing "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas" - I still like that number. We had a good time this Christmas. The Germans were only 3 miles away, yet we had a good Christmas with a real Christmas dinner.
There was quite a threat that the Germans would try to counter attack our sector, since they brought up a Parachute Division to our front, but to date they haven't tried anything. I sleep with one eye open and my pistol near my pillow."
January 1, 1945 - Brussels
"Happy New Year!
Saturday night I won a toss to go on a 48-hour leave, so here I am in Brussels. Got here yesterday at noon so spent New Year's Eve in the big city, at the Palm Room of the Atlanta Hotel where I am staying.
My first reaction when I got to my room yesterday was to have a good hot bath - oh, what a grand feeling. Today I slept until noon so I missed the big event of the night.
The Germans attacked Brussels with 30 aircraft and sort of caught our airfield asleep and knocked out a great many planes on the ground. They even had the audacity to do some stunts in the air, mocking our mastery of the skies...
Got a few gifts for you while shopping - forgive me darling. Happy New Year. Hope to see you this year".
January 4, 1945 - Holland
"We are kept rather busy during the day... living in the mud, no lights, etc... the boys talk about rehabilitation to civilian life after the war."
January 14, 1945
"Received a letter from you today which both gladdened and saddened me. I was glad to hear that your family came out all right and that you yourself are well. But I was very sorry to hear of their misfortune and your misfortune.
You are really adopting a courageous spirit and I'm very proud of the way you look at the future. It reminds me of Kipling's "If" - "If you can lose your all, then start again, you'll be a man, my son". Those are not Kipling's exact words, but the meaning is the same...
Don't be afraid to mention any troubles you may have or other tales as I am very interested in hearing them.
Did you enjoy yourself at the Alex with the Shapiro's?"
January 25, 1945
"All is well here, a bit cold, frequent snow flurries, but could be a great deal worse so we don't complain. How are all back home? Are your brothers and Mom going to rebuild the store - please convey my most heartfelt regrets for their misfortune.
If the people over here don't buy from the black market they are likely to starve - the black market controls the people rather than vice versa. Money over here has no value and the people pay fabulous amounts for food and drink.
We had a dance the other night. About 60 girls were present, and they really appreciated the food of doughnuts and pastry for a late snack."
January 30, 1945
"Friday evening my jeep was stolen from the front of the Officers' Mess by three drunken Canadian soldiers. A young Dutch boy saw them take the vehicle and gave a description of the culprits' badges which identified them as "Chaudieres". I secured permission from my Major to investigate and we apprehended the criminals at an Identification Parade.
The witness picked them out and they confessed and informed me that the jeep was in Antwerp. So off we went to Antwerp and learned that the Canadian Provost Corps had possession of the jeep to my utter relief and pocketbook. Because, if not found I would have been fined 100 pounds (450 dollars)."
February 6, 1945
"Glad to hear the Americans are going to town in the Pacific. Who knows but one of these days we may wake up and learn that both wars are ended."
February 8, 1945
"There's no country that can compare with our Canada.
The end of the war is in sight. A lot of German bigwigs were reported to be getting ready for a getaway. I'm sure they will be caught and punished for their misdeeds. The important thing now is to get the war over with as quickly as possible and try to bring the world back to normal."
February 13, 1945
"No doubt the papers are full of the Canadian endeavours on this front so I won't bore you with the details other than the mud is a terrific handicap. Of course much as we dislike the mud, it works both ways."
February 20, 1944 - Germany
"As you can see by the heading, we are now in "der Vaderland" and our goal is in sight. The part we have seen has been quite nice - lovely·woods reminiscent of BC. Even the smashed buildings were a lovely sight - these were reminders of France and Holland. Only now it is German homes which are being ruined.
There were many casualties on both sides the past few days so a large number of prisoners were put to work digging graves to bury the dead.
By the way, I took a picture of the German border, it says "You are now in Germany, you have been warned".
February 23, 1945 - Germany
"Are you hoping that your folks will move to Vancouver? Our offensive is making progress but definitely handicapped by water - in the Beveland Isthmus we were completely surrounded by water and now once again floods."
March 14, 1945 - Belgium
"I now have a soft job of an administrative nature back in Belgium helping to send off the Canadians who have been here for 5 years. Unless I'm sadly mistaken my front line days are over. I regret to say that I was terribly rundown with fatigue but not bad enough for hospitalization.
You mentioned that Ed and Fred had found something suitable in Vancouver - I'm glad for your sake because it will be just what you wanted. But you'll be surprised at how often it rains in there."
April 8, 1945
"The job I have here is quite comfortable but I have seen my Major and asked his help in getting back to Canada. I don't want any Army of Occupation job. Do your folks like Vancouver?"
April 13, 1945
"The world has lost a great leader in the premature death of F.D.R. and I can say that we all had a great respect for him and Canadians overseas are saddened by his untimely passing. But he died at the peak of his glory and it demonstrates the influence he and the United States has on all the rest of the nations of the world.
Your boots arrived. Remember when I said I'd see about a chance to get back to Canada. Well, the C.O. I have here decided to increase his staff so my chances are nil, and I'm working as Mess Secretary in charge of Officers and Sergeants Mess Accounts and am responsible for the welfare of all officers here who are returning to Canada and England."
April 21, 1945
"Where I am now?... I am perfectly safe and just putting in time until I can once again take you out. Perhaps I shouldn't say this due to the frequent bawlings out for saying this and for sending you gifts but I regard you as much more than a mere girl friend - I look on you as someone special who may share my future and help to brighten the unknown days to come."
May 5, 1945
"The long awaited day is over. The Canadians today were given "Cease Fire" and now it is just a matter of time until we get back. All the time the radio was spreading the good news, my thoughts were far away and I was thinking now I'll be able to see you sooner.
We had a celebration last night in which everyone drank a toast to the cessation of the fighting for the Canucks in Europe. Last week I saw "Carmen" and tomorrow I am going to see "Madame Butterfly".
In the papers now you'll read about Nazi horror camps in which millions of Jews were gassed and killed or slowly tortured to death. I've seen pictures of these camps and honestly it is an effort to keep calm when you realize the perpetrators of these crimes are still alive and we are feeding them.
I'm just letting off a little steam."
May 8, 1945
"At last, la Guerre est fini. The news while not surprising is very consoling because now we can make plans, and I'll now know definitely that I'm not a war casualty or cripple.
I'll be a happy young man when I don "civvy" clothes again.
Brussels tonight is a blaze of lights - neons and beacons - quite an amazing contrast to last night - and the old familiar song, "When the lights go on again" is being re-enacted here.
The people are extremely happy and all transport is paralyzed by the thousands of people in the streets - all types of flags are flying from every building."
May 8, 1995 - Vancouver
Fifty years ago World War II ended. All this week 50 years later there are celebrations all over the world, and particularly Canada was celebrating her part in the war.
I naturally could not help but remember that Sol went overseas for 2 1/2 years. I recalled that I had saved letters from him although I couldn't find any dated after May 8, 1945.
I reread the letters many times, condensed them and my neighbour Betty typed them. She suggested I write an ending to the letters.
When the war in Europe ended on May 8, 1945, I was living in Winnipeg. Sol, in his letter of that day wrote that the order came down to the men "cease fire". Those orders at that time meant to him that he could at last go home, that he was alive and had survived the war. Overwhelming emotions.
In Winnipeg friends and I went downtown to join the thousands of people rejoicing in great excitement. People hugged one another and danced in the streets. I'll never forget the memory of such excitement.
When the war ended Sol was in Belgium in an administrative capacity in the Army processing men to go home. It was frustrating for him because no one wanted to go home more than he did. He spent the summer in Belgium, and had his portrait done by an artist; this portrait hangs in my bedroom today.
In the fall he was transferred to London after 15 months in Europe. He had lots of leave and·took the opportunity to sightsee all over England, Scotland and Wales. Friends in Scotland made him the chess table which is in my living room.
In the meantime, in August of 1945, I moved out to Vancouver to join my family who had moved out earlier in the spring. Coming from Kenora and Winnipeg, I couldn't believe that a city could be so beautiful.
Finally in late November, he sent me a cable from Liverpool that he was on his way.
He landed in Halifax and phoned·me. It was the first time in 2 1/2 years that we had spoken to one another. He was on one of the hundreds of "troop trains" going across the country. Sol stopped off in Medicine Hat to see his family for a few days before coming to Vancouver to see me.
The train arrived at the old CPR Station at the foot of Granville Street. It was like a scene seen many times in the movies.
The train came in, hundreds of soldiers got off, hundreds of people to meet them and everyone searching for the one person they are meeting. Finally we see one another and embrace.
We took a taxi home where the family gave him a warm welcome. He had brought champagne from France (where he) had his medical friends had encased the bottle in a plaster cast to travel.
We toasted him, me, everyone, the peace in the world - and a great reunion it was.
We talked the night away and it became obvious to both of us that love had grown through the·correspondence and that we would become engaged. After a week he returned home to his family.
My mother and I went to Medicine Hat around December 27th where Sol's parents had arranged a big engagement party for·the entire Jewish community for that New Year's Eve.
We were married July 10, 1946, at the Hotel Vancouver. It was a beautiful wedding and the rest is history.
Clare Prasow