The Military Museums

Corporal James Arnal

m126 088 arnal 400
ppcli large trans3

Corporal James Arnal

Corporal James Hayward Arnal was born in Kelvington, Saskatchewan. He joined the Canadian Forces on 22 April 2004. Upon completion of Battle School, he was posted to 2 PPCLI in Shilo, Manitoba.

Cpl Arnal was killed in action in Afghanistan on 18 July 2008. Corporal Arnal was serving with the 2 PPCLI Battle Group when he was killed by an Improvised Explosive Device while on a foot patrol in Panjwai District. This was his second tour in Afghanistan.

Corporal Arnal leaves behind his mother and step-father Wendy Hayward-Miskiewicz & Ken Miskiewicz; his father and step-mother Raymond & Betty Arnal; and many other family members. Corporal Arnal’s grandfather, James Hayward served the Regiment with the First and Second Battalions and 3 Mechanized Commando, and his great-grandfather was a Veteran of the First World War.

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